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If you are interested in a GPMR T-Shirt, please check with us on availability of color and size. 

3/5/2025 4:29 PM



Sponsorship Information

                                   Sponsoring a Mastiff

Would you love to help out one of those gentle giants, but can't find room for such a large pet in your home? We have a solution! Many of our benefactors choose to sponsor a particular Mastiff or a particular part of a Mastiff's care. If one or more of our Mastiffs has touched your heart, you may choose to sponsor that particular one. You can choose to facilitate heartworm treatment or training for a particular Mastiff, or you may decide to take financial responsiblity for your favorite Mastiff, an "off-premises foster parenting role."

Your generosity will be noted on the Our Sponsors page and the Mastiff's bio page. Contact us at, click the yellow button below, or use the Paypal button on our Donation Info page to begin your sponsorship role.