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3/9/2025 9:24 PM



5/16/09 Gone to the dogs: Canine Carnival Photo Gallery

On May 16th, 2009 1:00 – 4:00 p.m., the Museum will host Gone to the Dogs: A Canine Carnival to coincide with the temporary exhibit, Speak: Children’s Book Illustrators Brag About their Dogs. During the carnival, participants will have the unique opportunity to view this canine-centered art exhibit with their furry best friends—the pooch parade will circle through the interior of the Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art! Awards will be given for: best costume; pooch-n-parent look-a-like; so-ugly-I’m-cute; perfect prancer; doggie diva; attention hound; and best float (wagon, stroller, etc.). The largest and smallest dogs in the parade will also be recognized. At the carnival, there will be plenty of fun activities for those party animals, including: hot-dog bobbing, paw painting, obstacle courses, canine caricatures, and pooch portraits. Furthermore, to interest the savvy pet parent, demonstrators and exhibitors will be on hand to address canine health, training, and products. Please join us for this wonderfully unique event opportunity! GPMR will keep 100% of all proceeds of our sales.
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