First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Are you 21 years of age or older? Our minimum adoption age is 21 years old.*
Drivers License number and State:*
Make, Model and Color of car:*
Approximate number of miles you can drive round-trip: *
Have you transported a large rescue dog before? If so briefly describe your previous experience:
As a volunteer, I acknowledge there could be possible risk while transporting/fostering/evaluating and /or working with rescued intake dogs. I agree that Great Plains Mastiff Rescue Foundation and its' representatives SHALL NOT BE LIABLE for any damage or injury caused by any Mastiff fostered/transported/or being worked with by below volunteer. The Volunteer does hereby forever release, discharge and covenant to hold harmless GPMR, it's Board of Directors, Officers, Members or Agents from any and all claims arising out of any act or occurence pursuant to this contract. My electronic signature shall be just as valid as any other signature. (please sign and date)*